Anime, J-rock and J-pop Radio


Yo Minna Sama's of da internet world, I pulled together the coolest anime mp3's I have and I made a radio station for us all to chill to. Hitokiradio has some cool beats by Megumi Hayashibara, The Pillows, Yokko Kanno, and music to anime's like Rurouni Kenshin, Neon Genesis Evangelion and more. I would say that you best be usin' a 56k modem or higher to run Hitokiradio.

WhAt's DaT GrOoVe!!

SoNg SuGgeStiONs FoRuM!
HiToKIraDio ForuM
FuLl PlAyLiSt
>MaIn PaGe GOOO!<
Site Created and Managed by XenoExistence . Radio Station brought to you by And anime characters within this site are properties of their original creator (not me) except for Xeno Sama.... and you don't want to steal Xeno(he knows the ways of Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu...)

To check the station out, click on the picture of me and I'll open up the page to take you to the funky battle ground of Hitokiradio:

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And if that doesn't work, damn... I guess you'll have ta open up Winamp, press ctrl-l and insert this #